Audrey-success-story | Heart Smart Minute

Success Stories

Heart Smart MinuteBeing 75 years old and diagnosed with Arthritis 15 years ago, my joints were getting progressively worse and worse. Not being able to take ant-inflammatory medication because of adverse effects, I was becoming more debilitated in my daily movements and in constant chronic pain.

I heard about Heart Smart Minute from a friend online and decided to give it a try, since nothing else seem to work, I had nothing to lose by trying out this online program.

The website had video exercises that specialized in rehabbing weak muscles and joints, so I decided to give it a try. To my amazement, I was able to tolerate the exercises well. By day three, I noticed I did not have the searing pain in my wrists, shoulders, and knees.

By the end of the first week I was able to reach up in the cupboard without pain, something I haven’t been able to do in years. After a few weeks doing the rehab exercises I felt strong enough to give the modified resistance training exercises a try.

I started slow and worked my way up to using five pound weights and doing three different intervals a day.  My new found strength gave me the motivation to change my diet and overall lifestyle, Heart Smart Minute, gave me the exercises, nutrition guidance, and online support to achieve what I never thought possible– I lost 25 pounds in one month and I’m enjoying a healthy and pain free lifestyle.

Thank you, Alana and Heart Smart Minute for giving me my quality of life back.

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*Weight loss varies by individual. You may not achieve similar results.