BIO | Alana Cole

Alana Cole

Alana coleAlana Cole is a certified personal trainer, and chronic conditions specialist. Her approach to fitness is that it’s not about weight loss, it’s about life gain.

To live the strongest healthiest life possible, you must have a body that will be your life’s vehicle.

When you look at health as a way of life, not a daily chore you must check of your to do list, you truly can take the focus of your jean size and on to your life’s passion.

Alana’s passion for fitness began at a young age, growing up waterskiing, swimming, and participating in every team sport possible in her hometown of Clearwater Beach, Florida.

She earned a bachelors degree in Journalism from the University of South Florida which she credits for giving her the foundation needed to create and produce her fitness programs and training videos.

Alana trains clients of all ages and fitness levels, both in person and through her original SKYPE based personal training program ACTion (Alana Cole Training is Online). She is also the fitness consultant and chronic conditions rehabilitation expert for and FOX 2 Albuquerque.

Alana, holds two personal training certifications from NESTA and AFAA. In addition she is certified in special populations, and nutrition and weight management.