Amy March Issue | Heart Smart Minute

Amy March Issue

Heart Smart Minute AmyMy name is Amy and I’m married to a great man and I stay at home with my two beautiful boys. My oldest is three and my youngest is one. As you can imagine they keep me busy most of the day and night! They are the loves of my life. I would do anything for them. But as many of you moms out there know, once you have little kids your own needs tend to take a backseat.

But over the last several weeks as I’ve been thinking about my life my well-being I’ve realized two things.

Number one: my kids out number me and they have way more energy than I do. I’ve spent the last several months feeling like I’m running on empty. That has got to change! Not only for my kids’ sake but for my sake as well. I’ve always said, “If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone else and eventually, someone will be taking care of you.” Well, it’s time for me to practice what I preach. If I’m really willing to do anything for my kids I need to be willing to take care of myself. No kid is going to benefit from the mother that is constantly exhausted and not as healthy as she needs to be.

The next thing I realized is that if you’re waiting for a good time to start, you’re going to be waiting forever. Someone’s always going to have an ear infection (Hello last week), someone’s always going to have a sleepless night, and on and on.. Moms, you know the drill. You just have to do it!

That’s what I decided last week.

I truly believe, the Heart Smart Minute Skype workouts is the best option for stay at home moms. I don’t have to find child care for my kids, I don’t have to drag them to some gym daycare, I can just get them busy and then do my work out from my living room. Alana makes things doable because she has such a practical approach to fitness.

I’m excited about what the next year will bring for me and my family. My goal is to lose 50 pounds.

Here I go!! I hope you will join me as I tackle my weight and get healthy again! Tweet me @michelleamy2

*** Always consult your doctor with any health or medical questions you may have.  Jen, is not a trained medical professional or employee of Heart Smart Minute, and does not speak on behalf of Alana Cole, Alana Cole Athletics Inc, or Heart Smart Minute and therefore the above mentioned entities assume no responsibility or liability for any communication on or off or