Heart Smart Minute – Are You Settling?….

Heart Smart Minute

heart smart minuteOften times when it comes to our health and fitness we sell ourselves short and settle for less than our full potential. It’s one thing to know that we should eat proper nutrition and move our bodies, but there seems to be a huge gap between knowing and doing.

I often hear mothers say, “I can’t exercise because my kids need me, I have all these chores to do running my house and taking care of my kids, I don’t have time because I put my kids first.” There are many things wrong with that line of thought. First of all, why are you last on the list? You are the one your children look to as an example of health and wellness, so teach them. It’s never ok to sacrifice yourself for others. The only way to truly help someone is to be strong enough yourself, both physically and mentally to do so– taking the time to work on a strong fitness and nutrition program is the first step.

Do you ever wonder what would happen if you took 2 weeks and gave your body 100% of your attention? You didn’t settle for watching TV instead of your Heart Smart Minute workout, you didn’t settle for fast food with zero nutrition, instead you took the time to cook yourself a healthy meal…what would happen? For one thing you’d start to feel fantastic for another thing you’d probably stop settling in other areas of your life. Your body is your vehicle through life…don’t go half way with it and say, oh well I guess that’s good enough. Get up each morning and ask yourself how would this day go if I gave it 100%, you may be surprised at the doors that open for you.  

You are worthy of the privilege of health. The nutrition you put in your body and how fit you are is a reflection of how you feel about who you are. Don’t settle for junk, you are far greater than that. Take 2 weeks and give your body 100% of your love and attention and watch the transformation nutrition and fitness can give you…You are worth it. 

Heart Smart Minute Fitness and Nutrition Tips::

Mornings are Key:  Take an hour early in the morning before your kids get up and have time just for you. Go for a walk, do your Heart Smart Minute fitness program, meditate. Whatever you can do just for you. As the day goes on there are too many distractions and things that can go wrong. Get up an hour early and move your body. It’s a great way to start the day.

Pack your Lunch:: Going out for lunch at work is not good for the waist or the wallet. Save some money and calories…brown bag it with a healthy nutritious lunch! No processed food.

Put Yourself First:: You’re more than a parent and a spouse, you are an individual and need time to focus on you. Take the time you need so you don’t get burned out. You will be stronger and healthier for your family.

Plan a head: The best way to guarantee healthy nutritious food in the house is to plan ahead. Use your weekends to plan your meals and cook. This way you don’t find yourself going through the drive thru in a desperate state of hunger.

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