Nutrition – Water for Weight Loss

Nutrition – Water for Weight Loss 

Nutrition - Water for Weight LossDrinking enough water is essential for your Heart Smart Minute Minute Fitness and Nutrition goals. Water fuels you body in every way possible and makes it possible for all of your organs to function properly.

Drinking water before each meal has be shown to promote weight loss. Along with proper nutrition and fitness plan, women should drink eight 8oz of water a day and men should make thirteen 8oz their goal.

Here are 5 reasons why drinking enough water should be a priority in your Heart Smart Minute nutrition and fitness goals.

Heart Smart Minute Nutrition Tip:

Water speeds up your metabolism, helping you to feel full and burn the maximum number of calories. Always have plenty of water handy during your Heart Smart Minute fitness routine. Stop every 3-5mins and drink, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Thirst is the first sign of dehydration!

Heart Smart Minute Fitness Tip:

Water is the #1 must for fitness!  Water helps boost your fitness level by increasing your energy and overall stamina. It also helps blood to move vital nutrients into your cells. When you increase your body’s temperature during a fitness routine, the body produces sweat, which is water leaving the body. Make sure you replenish it to get the most during your fitness routine.

Heart Smart Minute Fitness Tip:

Water is an important part of your nutrition plan when it comes to building solid, lean muscle mass. Muscle burns fat and revs up your metabolism to make you a fat burning machine. Water prevents muscle cramping and helps lubricate the joints.

Heart Smart Minute Nutrition Tip:

Water cleans out your body, leaving you with awesome clean and clear skin. It improves the circulation, leaving the skin looking plump and younger. The nutrition we put into our body is often reflected on our skin. Keep drinking water throughout the day and especially before a meal.

Heart Smart Minute Nutrition Tip:

Fiber along with water are key elements for a healthy digestive system. Water helps pass waist particles through the digestive system and keeps you regular. The more routine you become with your Heart Smart Minute fitness and nutrition plan, the more you will see the benefits it, along with drinking plenty of water will have over your body. You will be left feeling health and strong, with glowing skin!

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