Skinny on Cellulite


CelluliteCellulite occurs in 80-90% of women, which means even if your Heart Smart Minute nutrition and fitness routine is perfect, chances are you still have some cellulite in the hips, butt, or thigh region. It’s caused by fat deposited “pockets’ just below the skin’s surface. The fat herniates outside of the pocket which causes the dimpled appearance.

Proper fitness and nutrition may help minimize the appearance of the cellulite, but because we all have layers of fat just below the surface of the skin, it will not alleviate the cellulite completely.

There is also a genetic component to cellulite. Estrogen is believed to be the main hormone which starts and aggravates the growth of cellulite, starting in most women in their pubescent years and is also the reason why men don’t have it.

Fitness and nutrition can play a role in lessening the severity of cellulite. It is important to eat a diet rich in fruits, veggies, and fiber, as well as drink plenty of water. Fitness strengthens and tones muscles which can help lessen the bulging affect of cellulite. However, there is no amount of expensive creams, supplements, or surgeries that have been proven effective to eliminate cellulite completely.

Heart Smart Minute Fitness Tip:

Focus on toning your legs, butt and thighs: This will tighten up the muscles in the areas prone to cellulite. It won’t fix the problem completely but it will lessen the dimpling appearance.

Heart Smart Minute Nutrition Tip:

Drink plenty of water: Water moves everything though your body and can help reduce the amount of “water weight” you’re holding in your hips, thighs, and stomach area.

Heart Smart Minute Fitness Tip:

Yo-Yo dieting causes a losening of the collagen in the thigh and butt area. When you gain and lose weight quickly, your skin can’t adjust. When you have loose collagen, the dimpling appearance is much greater because the fat is easily herniated through the tissue. Keep your skin firm and avoid fad diets, they don’t work and can contribute to your cellulite appearance.

Heart Smart Minute Nutrition Tip:

Avoid high processed, sugary foods. Nothing adds the weight in the hips, butt and thigh region faster than junk food. Eat lots of high fiber foods and plenty of fruits and veggies. These are naturally slimming foods that will help keep the weight off, energize you and blast the cravings away.

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