5 Ways to CUT 500 Calories a DAY! The Heart Smart Minute Way

Heart Smart Minute

Heart Smart MinuteCut 500 calories a day, the Heart Smart Minute way and in ONE WEEK you’ve LOST A POUND! Not too shabby!

Check out these quick lifestyle changes you can make to cut 500 calories a day! That’s almost 5 pounds a month!

BE RESTLESS: Cut 500 calories a day the Heart Smart Minute way by getting up and walking around your home or office every hour. Wear a step tracker so you know exactly how many steps per day you take–set a goal for 10,000!

TURN OFF THE TV: Cut 500 calories a day the Heart Smart Minute way by turning off the TV while you eat.  According to new research from the Univ. of Massachusetts, people who eat while watching TV, consume close to 300 calories more. So TURN OFF the TV and take the dog for a walk after dinner.

LOSE THE BOOZE: Cut 500 calories a day the Heart Smart Minute way by cutting out the sugary additives in cocktails. Syrups, sugar, sour mixes, and “house speciality” drinks are loaded with empty calories, some topping well over 800cal per drink. Switch your drink to those with clear mixers like club soda, or wine spritzers. Your waistline will feel the difference!

EAT AT HOME: Cut 500 calories a day the Heart Smart Minute way by staying home and cooking dinner.  Nothing puts weight on faster than eating out, even when you think you’re making healthy choices. Vegetables, fish, and meat are loaded with salt, oil, butter, and marinades. Even if you request your order to be cooked “clean,” you never know what is added in the kitchen last minute to increase flavor. Save the meals out for specials occasions, or at most once a week for your cheat meal. It’s better for your waistline and your wallet!

KNOW THE SERVING SIZE: Cut 500 calories a day the Heart Smart Minute way by reading the nutrition label! A low calorie dinner may say only 400 calories per serving, but in reality what’s in front of you is really four servings.  Always read the label–it’s easy to be tricked into eating more calories than you think!

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