Feel Good Winter Foods to Flatten Your Stomach – Nutrition


Heart Smart Minute NutritionIt’s no secret that nutrition can flatten your abs, tighten your butt and thighs and keep you looking and feeling strong and healthy. Winter can be a trouble time for many, most of the country is covered in snow and battling ice cold temperatures, making an outdoor fitness routine difficult to maintain. This can cause a increase in the winter “blues” and comfort eating, making you pack on the pounds for months at a time.

The best way to keep the weight off this winter is to stock up on nutritious foods that give you the comfort feeling you’re craving AND can help you burn fat in your mid section, leaving you looking and feeling great all year long.

Add these Heart Smart Minute foods to your shopping list and keep the holiday weight off and energy in full gear.


Nutrients: 1/2 a grapefruit has 52 calories, 2 g fiber, 64% DV vitamin C, 28% DV vitamin A

Nutrition benefits: Men who consume the most lycopene-rich foods are less likely to develop prostate cancer. Eating grapefruit daily can also lead to lower total and LDL (bad) cholesterol by up to 15% and 20%, respectively.


Nutrients: 1 medium orange has 62 calories, 3 g fiber, 116% DV vitamin C, 10% DV folate

Nutrition benefits:  Oranges are potent protectors against cancer, inflammation, and many other health conditions. It helps combat arthritis, asthma, diabetes and gum disease. as well as boost immune function.


Nutrients: 1 cup of sliced radishes has 19 calories, 2 g fiber, 8% DV potassium, 29% DV vitamin C, 7% DV folate

Nutrition benefits: Loaded with fiber and little calories, they can help fill you up and help lose the belly fat.


Nutrients: The juice of 1 lemon has 12 calories, 0 g fiber, 36% DV vitamin C

Nutrition benefits: Lemons are rich in limonoids, phytonutrients, which have been found to fight cancer of the mouth, stomach, colon, and breast. There is also research showing that limonoids prevent bad cholesterol from being oxidized and lower cholesterol levels, protecting the heart.


Nutrients: 1 cup broccoli flowerets has 20 calories, 110% DV vitamin C, 43% DV vitamin A, 13% DV folate

Nutrition benefits: Broccoli may be protective against breast, prostate, colon, and other cancers. Scientists have also found that diets high in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage and cauliflower, are associated with a lower rate of various cancers.

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