Heart Smart Minute – Have You Reached Your Bottom…?

Heart Smart Minute

Heart Smart MinuteBefore you will be successful in changing the way your body looks and feels, and before you can make any long lasting fitness and nutrition changes, on thing must happen…

You have to reach your bottom. No one can hit your bottom for you. Your husband or wife can’t motivate you to change, your kids can’t do it for you or your best friend.  It has to come completely from you. If you’re content with the way you are and only want to change to please someone else, save yourself the time and effort because it will never work. If you’re not willing to reduce your alcohol intake, processed foods, and sugar, you haven’t reached your bottom. If you have no problem taking the elevator instead of the stairs, or watching your kids play instead of playing with them, then you haven’t reached your bottom. If buying healthy, nutritious food is the last thing on your list, after eating out three times a week and going to the movies, you are nowhere close to your bottom.

You know you’ve reached your bottom when you’re willing to do whatever it takes to live the strongest, healthiest life possible for you. It doesn’t mean you go from eating red meat three times a week to being vegan, it means you are willing to take the steps necessary to make realistic changes in your life that you can maintain and live with. It means you are able to commit to changing your lifestyle for more than six weeks.

One of the biggest fitness and health mistake you can make, is to set a goal for yourself and base it around some major event in your life. If you tell yourself, you want to lose weight for your high school reunion or your wedding, that’s great, but what happens after that event? Most people have no trouble white knuckling crazy crash or yo yo diets for a 6-8 week period, drop 15lbs before all your old high school friends see you again, but then after the reunion, you pack it all right back on again. It’s perfectly fine to have a special event be the catalyst of change, but you must have a plan for after the event is over, what steps are you going to take to keep the weight off? Quite often, a medical crisis is what causes someone to hit their bottom. After years and years of abusing your body, it finally gives out on you, and that sudden sense of mortality causes a massive shift in the way you look at your life. Unfortunately, it takes reaching this life or death moment to decide that change is an absolutely must to be able to live.

There is a huge difference between existing and living. As long as you have breath in your lungs and a heartbeat you are existing. Someone who is so overweight, they cannot walk without assistance is existing, but in my opinion, not living. To live you must have a quality of life, you must have a passion and purpose to your day, a desire to get out and enjoy the day and experience life; physically and emotionally.

Have an HONEST conversation with yourself and decide if you’re truly ready to commit yourself to living a STRONG and HEALTHY life. If you are, I would love to help motivate and educate you by offering, TWO FREE 30-minute TRAINING and NUTRITION SESSION with the HSM VIRTUAL TRAINING PROGRAM!  This is a cutting edge program done from the comfort of your own home via Skype. This offer is 100% FREE and you don’t need a single piece of fitness equipment. Just the desire to make a change. Email AlanaCole@heartsmartminute.com Subject: FREE TRAINING to schedule your sessions, I hope you will take advantage of this offer!    

It’s NOT about weight loss…It’s about LIFE GAIN   

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