Power of Perseverance – Heart Smart Minute

Heart Smart Minute

Heart Smart MinuteFitness and nutrition habits are not easy things to change in your life. It takes time to change unhealthy habits into positive ones. Somewhere along this new journey you are sure to experience minor set backs and obstacles that will discourage you and make you consider giving up your new fitness and nutrition goals. To quit at this point would bring you right back to square one-living an unhealthy life, less than your full potential. The only difference between people who succeed in making fitness and nutrition life changes and those that don’t is understanding the power of perseverance.

There are sure to be days when you want to quit. Days when you have no energy to do your Heart Smart Minute fitness routine, and days when you’d much rather go through the drive thru than cook a nutritious meal. Know this is normal, everyone at some point or another will go through this feeling. You wonder is it really worth it? Am I seeing the results I want? I feel frustrated because I haven’t lost enough weight. This is a normal emotion, in order to move past this you must allow yourself to feel frustrated-no one said this would be easy for you. We as humans naturally want to be in our comfort zone. We like what we know and the habits we have developed for ourself. When we leave the comfort zone, even if it’s for our own best interest there is an element of fear and self sabotage that creeps in.  

The only thing that can stop you from quitting and returning to your comfort zone when these minor setbacks occur is YOU. You must keep in the forefront exactly why you are changing your fitness and nutrition habits, what is the quality of life you want for yourself and the example of health you want to set for the people around you. Take a moment and reevaluate these goals-decide what the long term purpose for these life changes is and then keep going. You must WANT to GAIN your LIFE back and that desire will override any fears or doubts you have and be the power of perseverance that drives you forward.

Here are a few Heart Smart Minute Perseverance Tips

Never Base Results on the Scale: The scale changes daily based on water weight. You can fluctuate 5lbs based on what you had to eat the day before. Basing success on a number will drive you crazy and frustrate you enough to want to quit.

Have a Goal List: Write down an activity you have trouble doing, such as bike riding or climbing the stairs at your office. Work towards achieving these goals and measure your weekly success. Your progress will motivate you to keep going and gives you positive feedback.

Calm your Emotions: We are our own biggest fan and worst enemy depending on how the day is going. If you’re having a bad day write down your emotions and what’s triggering it. Why are you over eating today? Are you sad, lonely, stressed, frustrated? Emotions play a huge part in achieving your fitness and nutrition goals.

Don’t Quit: Mental strength leads to physical strength. You have to be strong enough to talk yourself out of quitting when times get tough-and times do get tough. Know that everyone goes through periods of doubt, stress and a desire to give up. Attitude is the key to it all. Decide you are worth fighting for and persevere to achieve your fitness and nutrition goals.

Use Your Imagination: When you get tired, frustrated, and feel a lack of motivation-close your eyes and picture the body you want.  I’m not telling you to picture yourself as a super model, I’m telling you to picture yourself strong and healthy, being able to participate in activities you couldn’t do before. What does that FEEL like? How STRONG does your body feel, can you feel your muscles working without pain? Use your imagination and your reality will follow.

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