Heart Smart Minute – A Scale Free Life

Heart Smart Minute

Heart Smart MinuteYou worked out hard all week, improving your fitness level and watching your nutrition with the precision of a scalpel. You did everything you possibly could. First thing Saturday morning you stand naked on the scale, take a big deep breath and with all your nervous anxiety look down at the number staring back at you.You lost nothing! And with that your self worth, self esteem, and dream of skinny jeans disappears! Your results weren’t what you wanted and you give up, it’s pointless and stupid and with that, you return to your old ways of poor nutrition and an unfit lifestyle.

Anyone who’s tried to lose weight has experienced a moment similar to that. My question to you is this, why are you putting so much of your value onto such a simple machine? If the toaster burned your bread, would you give up eating breakfast? Of course not, so why would you allow the scale to derail your fitness and nutrition goals? The scale does nothing but play with your emotions, you can go from being elated to being depressed in less than 24hrs, all because you saw or didn’t see the number you were hoping for. Wake up each morning with a goal, a vision, and a purpose for your day. Only you determine your success, no one else, and certainly not some machine.

The diet industry’s billion dollar success is based on one premise, give the customer a diet so low in calories that it shocks the body into losing a lot of weight in a short amount of time, and hope they tell as many people as possible about it while the scale is dropping like crazy. If you go on some crazy detox diet and all you eat for 2 weeks is chicken broth, you will drop weight and drop it quickly. But all you’ve really lost is water, some fat, and a great deal of muscle. You aren’t getting any nutrition into your body and you’re too weak for a healthy fitness routine. But the scale says you’re a rock star so you tell all your friends to get on the chicken broth diet so they too can lose 10lbs a week. This is how diet books sell. The diet industry would go broke if it solved the obesity problem. As soon as you stop eating chicken broth, the scale will skyrocket up, plus adding additional weight because you’ve messed up your metabolism. Once your body goes into “starvation mode” it holds on to every piece of food because it’s not sure where it’s next nutrient is coming from. Now you are heavier than your starting weight, depressed with yourself, and looking for the next quick diet to bring the number on the scale back down.

Your LONG TERM fitness and nutrition SUCCESS is NOT about weight loss, it’s about LIFE GAIN. The quality of your life cannot be measured by standing naked on the scale. It doesn’t exist as a number, it exists in the health and longevity of your daily life.

Here are some NEW ways to measure your Heart Smart Minute success SCALE FREE

Heart Smart Minute Fitness Tip:

Use Real Life Measurements–take the stairs instead of the elevator and measure your improvement. Try to push yourself an extra flight per week. Walk around your neighborhood and keep track of how many laps you can do in 30mins.

Heart Smart Minute Nutrition Tip:

It’s all in the JEANS...Nothing measures your fitness and nutrition success better than your clothes. The scale may not move but as your body composition changes you will feel your clothes getting looser! What’s better than that?

Heart Smart Minute Fitness Tip:

Know Your Own Strength. Your self worth is not determined by a number on a scale. How well are you moving in your daily life, are you living or just existing? Make your goal to be strong and healthy both inside and out. When this is your goal, fitness and nutrition are no longer called a diet but a way of life.

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