The Sunday Night Diet


Sunday night dietWe’ve all been there, the Sunday night diet.

The time when you make promises to yourself after a weekend of binging on everything in sight, that this time, this week you’re starting your diet. Monday morning, you’re throwing all your cookies, and cakes, and chips in the trash and heading to the gym. This week is going to be different. Sure you said it all last Sunday night but this time you really mean it, you weren’t serious last Sunday.

Tomorrow morning you’re waking up extra early to hit the gym before work, and start packing your lunch instead of eating out, it’s going to be a whole new you! That is of course until Monday morning, when you hit the snooze on your alarm for an extra hour instead of going to the gym and that healthy lunch you were going to make for yourself, well you’re running late so you’ll have to eat out, but don’t worry you’ll start fresh next week. Sound familiar? Of course it does!

So here’s the good news, you are far from alone, in fact you are the norm. I’ve trained enough people in the past ten years to figure out pretty quickly that everyone wants the same two things: to be rich and to look hot in their jeans. I can’t do much for you on the money issue but I can definitely get you moving in the right direction on the hot jeans. The secret is simple, there is no secret. There’s no magic pill or machine or secret ab gadget that is going to turn you into a rock star. There’s no brilliant diet that was secretly discovered in Area 51 that is going to shrink your butt, flatten your stomach and make your boobs bigger and if any magic pill actually did that I’d be using it, I can guarantee you that.

So stop crash and burning on diets that last two weeks (if you’re actually dedicated) and  make small changes a little at a time, one day at the time that will make you healthier and happier because at the end of the day, that’s all that really matters.

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