Woman Collapses While Eating “Double Bypass Burger”…. Who’s to Blame? | Heart Attack

Heart Attack GRILL

Heart Attack GRILLWhat ever happened to personal responsibility? A woman who collapsed a few weeks ago, at the Las Vegas Heart Attack Grill, while eating a Double Bypass Burger, is trying to get the Heart Attack Grill to pay for her medical bills.  Is it me or does nothing good ever come from the words “double bypass.” This woman, who is in her 40s, was the second person that month to collapse at the Heart Attack Grill restaurant. So where does the line between personal responsibly cross with a business’ responsibility to it’s customer?

Restaurants, should provide options to customers who would like a healthier alternative but when you walk into a place called Heart Attack Grill, you best believe you won’t leave being able to button those skinny jeans. It’s not enough to put the blame on the food industry, there are healthier options for people of all dietary needs as well as income levels.

Everyone has a choice at some point during the day of what they are going to eat, not everything tastes as exciting as a double bypass burger, but the after affect is much healthier for you.  I’ve seen so many people, who know they have a weight problem, who know they have health issues from that weight problem, continue to eat crap, meal after meal after meal. At that point you have to look at the situation and wonder where the personal responsibility is and if there truly is a desire to live a healthy life. The hardest thing to see is a client who has serious health or physical issues from being overweight tell me how much they want to lose weight, but continue to eat the same food that is causing the problem. I don’t believe in eating perfectly or self depravation but I do believe that taking your health in your hands and being responsible for your body is up to you and only you.

I’m all for the cheat meal, in fact I enjoy two a week and cherish every bite, but I doubt very much that either of the two people who collapsed at the Heart Attack Grill were enjoying their cheat meals, after a long week of eating well and working out.

The element of personal responsibility is a tough one, it’s much easier to pass it along to someone else. As much as I think the Heart Attack Grill is a ridiculous place to eat, if you make the choice to, be ready for the consequences and not expect for someone else to pick up your medical bill.

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