
Heart Smart Minute FitnessThe fastest way to improve your fitness plan is to do interval training. Interval training is the combination of cardio and resistance exercises, that burns calories and tones muscles.

The best fitness exercises are the ones that work multiple muscle groups at the same time, this allows you to maximize your calorie burn and tone the most muscle groups in the fastest time period.

Mix in the following Heart Smart Minute resistance training exercises with your cardio routine to tone your trouble zones, build muscle, and kick up your metabolism.

Heart Smart Minute Fitness Tips: 

Squats: Stand with feet hip-width. Sit back as you bring arms up and bend knees to 90 degrees. Keep knees centered over feet and repeat, MODIFIED SQUAT: Use a wall or stability ball for support. Only bend your knees 45 degrees or until you feel your quads working. Keep your back pressed against the wall or stability ball to minimize lower back and knee pressure.

Alternating Lunge: Stand with feet hip-width. Hands on hips (for a more ADVANCED lunge, hold weights).  Step forward with left foot and bend knee to 90 degrees. Keep back straight and chest up, with head looking straight a head of you. Repeat on right side. MODIFIED LUNGE: Only bend your knees 45 degrees, which will reduce knee pressure.

Superman: This is a fantastic lower back strengthening exercise, and it should be a part of your Heart Smart Minute fitness routine. Lie facedown, arms at sides or above your head (more ADVANCED). Lift head and chest, and lift your feet hold for 30 seconds and repeat. MODIFIED SUPERMAN: Do not lift your chest and feet at the same time. Alternate your arms and feet, lift right arm, left foot together and alternate, so half your body weight is being used.

Modified Pushup: Begin in pushup position with your knees on the floor, hands under shoulders. Bend elbows and lower chest toward the ground, push body back up to start position and repeat.

Plank: This Heart Smart Minute fitness exercise is great for working your lower back and abs. Lie face down, feet together, forearms on floor with elbows under shoulders. Lift your hips up, keeping butt and back in a straight line. You will feel pressure on lower back and abdominals.

LOWER BACK and HIP injuries are very common during fitness routines and it’s important to keep these areas well stretched and strong.

Cobra: This exercise is great for people with lower back aches. This posture decreases stiffness in the lower back, enlarges the chest, and strengthens the arms and shoulders. Lie face down with your feet together and your toes pointing behind you.  Place your hands flat on the floor close to your body and beside your rib cage. As you inhale, gently push off your hands, lifting your head and chest off the ground and tilting your head back.

Glute Stretch: This exercise is great for reducing tightness in the hip flexors, and butt, tight hip flexors may lead to hip bursitis or groin injuries. Lying on your back with knees bent, cross right leg over left and slowly pull your left knee toward your chest, so you feel a deep stretch in your right glute. Be sure to go very slowly if you haven’t done this stretch before. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on other side.

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