5 Healthy Habits that are Getting You Nowhere – Heart Smart Minute Nutrition

Heart Smart Minute Nutrition

Heart Smart Minute NutritionHabits play a huge role when it comes to life long fitness and nutrition, but what happens when our so called “healthy” habits are derailing our fitness and nutrition success.

Take a look at these Heart Smart Minute Nutrition tips and “healthy” habits you need to avoid.

Heart Smart Minute Nutriton MYTHS…

Use Smaller Plates: Small plates are only a healthy habit if it keeps you from going back for seconds and possibly thirds. In a recent Fitness Journal study, people who ate off of smaller plates were over 50% more likely to go back for seconds.  It’s not the size of the plate that matters it’s the nutrition on it. The trick to weight loss with this is to leave some food behind. Forget what your mother told you about cleaning your plate…go a head and leave it.

Drink Enhanced Water: This is my favorite horrible healthy habit because the TV commercials really suck you in. Vitamin water, Gatorade, Fruit Flavored Water and everything in between is not necessary for the average person. Those are fine for competition athletes but the regular person needs to drink just water. Enhanced water is loaded with sugar and zero nutrients. If you want something sweet, squeeze a lemon in your water and enjoy.

Eat Microwave Healthy Meals: Any food cooked in a microwave has little nutrition, even if the box tells you it’s a health food. This is where labels become so important. Sodium is very high and it often lacks nutrients from veggies. Even if the calorie count is low, avoid it.

Doing Crunches: A flat stomach and rock hard abs doesn’t come from an ab machine. Great abs are a result of a solid cardio fitness routine and a clean diet.  If you want a flat tummy, stick to your Heart Smart Minute fitness program and eat whole, real foods and little sugar.

Hit the Gym 7 days a Week: I’m all for a rigorous fitness program but your body needs time off.  Muscle need to repair which is how it strengthens. Give your body at least one day of doing nothing so it can repair and recover. The rest of the time alternate your fitness plan between cardio training and resistance. Make sure you switch up your routine to cover all muscle groups. For some great exercises visit the HSM exercise page.

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