Nutrition – The Organic Debate….


Heart Smart Minute NutritionOrganic nutrition has been front and center in the media recently, with a 2012 study concluding that organic food may not be more nutritious than conventionally grown.

In the wake of this study, and tough economic times, manufactures are capitalizing on the issue and marketing their own line of “natural” foods to consumers.

It’s very easy to be tricked into thinking that natural and organic are the same and it’s very difficult to read nutrition labels and understand exactly how honest the manufacture is being with you.

More and more products are being labeled “all natural” and “organic,” both labels promise you healthy nutritious foods but only one is legally obligated to deliver.

 Heart Smart Minute Nutrition: “All Natural” Breakdown

The first nutrition fact you must understand is that the FDA and USDA does not regulate the term “all natural.” This means that any manufacture can and most often times will, label their product as “all natural” because they know it will sell. You are much more likely to by a bag of potato chips labeled with “all natural” then you are labelled “will clog your arteries and loaded with preservatives.” Did you know that High Fructose Corn Sugar is considered “all natural” by the FDA…I’m not sure what nutrition value it adds to your food and it certainly doesn’t help with your weight loss goals, but since it comes from corn it passes as natural.

All Natural Products can contain:



Heavy metals

Toxic fluoride


Synthetic chemical vitamins

Heart Smart Minute Nutrition: “Organic” Breakdown

Organic is your best pick for your Heart Smart Minute, nutrition and weight loss goals. USDA Organic products are made without the use of toxic pesticides, GMO’s, antibiotics or growth hormone. Organic meats require that the animal‘s welfare is taken into consideration, cows are required to be on the pasture and all meats must be inspected. Make sure you look for the USDA stamp (white and green circle) on the product. This means it has been inspected and is certified organic. Always buy organic meats, chicken and fruits that you eat in entirety (don’t remove the skin or outer layer).

 Take a look at this easy reference Heart Smart Minute Nutrition Chart:

Issue Organic Natural
Toxic Pesticides not allowed allowed
Antibiotics not allowed allowed
GMO’s not allowed allowed
 Animal Welfare requirements Yes No
Certification required inspections Yes No
Cow required to be on pasture Yes No

Regardless of the debate on conventional vs. organic food nutrition level, there is one thing that can’t be disregarded and that is Certified Organic food contains 30% less pesticides compared to conventional. Organics are also hormone and antibiotic free and treat the animal humanely while its on the pasture. Not all food you buy needs to be organic but I strongly recommend buying organic meats. Buy organic fruits and veggies when you eat the food in entirely, such as apples, grapes, peaches. When the food has a thick outer skin you can save yourself the money and stick to conventional.

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