Take a Minute and OMMM… – Fitness


Heart Smart Minute FitnessIf you asked me 6 months ago if YOGA was part of my fitness routine I most likely would have laughed at you. If I’m not sweating and moving at 100 miles an hour I’m certainly not burning enough calories and getting the most fitness for the little time that I have.

I like to think of myself as a pretty hard core athlete, when I’m not running, I’m swimming, and when I’m not swimming I’m lifting something or lunging at something.

My fitness is spot on for most of the training season, however, I must admit I’m also in major pain for most of the training season. I like many of you, suffer from low back pain and at least once a year, hip bursitis slows me down.

Running doesn’t do much to help any of these problems, instead it makes it worse and even my five minute stretches before and after my run weren’t doing much. So what’s a girl to do? I caved in and went to a yoga class at my local gym. I was sore for three days after! I took four classes in the first week and within three weeks my back and hip pain was completely gone.

So why am I tell you this–because if it got rid of my back and hip pain it most likely will work for you too. Yoga is a great addition to your Heart Smart Minute fitness routine.  It stretches the connective tissue deep into your muscles. Give it a try, you go at your own fitness pace and do what you can, you’ll be surprised at how great your body feels.

Heart Smart Minute Fitness Tips: Check out the benefits you experience from 2 hours a week of yoga

Reduce Lower Back and Hip Pain: A study from Spine shows, yoga greatly reduces low back and hip pain by 60%. The longer you hold the poses the more effective the stretch becomes.

Better Sleep: Insomniacs take note…yoga may be the best medicine for your sleepless nights. The relaxing affect and deep breathing techniques helps practicers fall asleep faster than those who don’t do yoga. For best results practice yoga an hour before bedtime.

Tone and Lengthen: Want that long and lean look? Do you Heart Smart Minute fitness routine and then head to the closest yoga class. You use your own body weight to move from posture to posture, lifting every ounce of your body. There’s no better way to get long and lean.

Reduce Anxiety: In this pill popping society it’s always great to have a natural anxiety remedy. Yoga forces you to stay present in the moment and quiet your mind, the more you practice the better you become on using these techniques in your daily life.

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